Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

How to make Seblak Wet Typical Bandung

How to make Seblak Wet Typical Bandung Seblak is a type of food that is already well-known and popular. The name of the food it's been a long time dininati people. Seblak is a typical food from bandung city. Seblak is made from boiled raw crackers in boiling water and then stir fried with a whole range of other complementary ingredients, such as eggs, vegetables, seafood and more. How food is not unique and tasty, the material is essentially made from the boiled crackers. Crackers are generally made by way of fried in oil but this time different cooking process, that is what makes these foods became more unique. Wet Seblak served with gravy has a little so that the food does not have a texture that is dry and crisp. Besides it tastes good and it can be tempting tastes, these foods also have a pretty affordable price and usually widely available at roadside or disekolah-sekolah. To be able to enjoy it, you can make it your own with the recipe below.

  • 200 grrawyellowacicrackers
  • 3 eggschicken
  • 5butitbeef Meatball(sliced thin)
  • Beefsausage2 stalks(thinly sliced)
  • 1 stalkscallionpods(finely sliced)
  • salt to taste
  • a littlegranulated sugar
  • flavor enhancerto taste
  • watersparingly
  • oil forsauteingto taste

Spice paste:

  • 5grains ofred onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1cm in sizekencur
  • 15redcayenne pepperfruit
  • 2 teaspoonstamarindwater
  • 1redplum tomatoes

How To Make Seblak Wet:

  • The boiledcrackersinboiling wateruntil soft, lift up thedrain
  • Dipcrackersincoldwaterbriefly, lift up thedrain
  • Sauteuntilfragrantspicepaste
  • Pourhalf a glass ofwaterand enterthe alreadyboiledcrackers,mix well
  • Cookcontinuedtoshrinka littlegravyand putbeaten eggs,baso,sausage andslicesscallionpods
  • Add sugar, salt andflavor enhancer,mix well andready to beserved

If you visit kekota, Bandung, don't forget to enjoy this one. This food is very unfortunate if passed. That's the recipe and how to make Seblak wet, may be useful.